Intelligence Corps Association

On 14 October 1941, the Intelligence Corps Comrades Association (ICCA) was founded, adopting the unoffical motto "True Companionship is the Supreme Gift of Military Life". It's aims were to foster esprit de corps, keep members in touch and help those heading for Civvy Street with employment and post service benevolence. Over the years, ICCA renamed to become the Intelligence Corps Association of today.

The Intelligence Corps Association (ICA) is now a registered charity formed for the purpose of:

  • The promotion and wellbeing of the Intelligence Corps, including fostering esprit de corps and maintaining contact between past and present members.
  • The education of the role, history, traditions, customs and ethos of the Corps, including support to the Corps Museum
  • Providing benevolence and grants to members of the association and their families.
  • And the commemoration and remembrance who have lost their lives or suffered injury.

Intelligence Corps Association Constitution


Working as an integral part of the Corps Headquarters, and as lead for the Strong Corps Family strand of the Intelligence Corps Vision and Plan, the Intelligence Corps Association Headquarters has registered the “roseandlaurel” web domain to provide a communications platform for all members. The email address for HQ ICA is and similarly, all Regional Secretaries have the same extension for their email addresses. 

ICA Trustees

As a registered charity, the Intelligence Corps Association is run by a Board of Trustees with the day to day management of the Association delegated to the Corps Secretary. Currently there are 12 Trustees comprising retired and serving members (regular and reserve) and some who are subject matter experts in the areas of Finance, Law and Charity work - the Chair of Trustees is, by appointment, the Deputy Colonel Commandant, currently Colonel Jon Murray OBE.  

Trustees meet three or four times a year to ensure the Association is run in accordance with Charity Commission guidelines; this includes providing an annual return to the Charity Commission. Further details on The Charity Commission can be found here.

For any further information please contact the Corps Secretary at

ICA Staff

The Intelligence Corps Association has three full time civil servant employees and a part-time assistant employed by the charity itself. The staff work from the offices based within the Headquarters Intelligence Corps at Chicksands and with guidance from Trustees, run all aspects of Association business on a day to day basis.

Corps Secretary - Sam Southam

Business Manager - Adam Birch

Business Support & Membership Secretary - Hazel Donald

Part-Time Support - John Moses