The Intelligence Corps Association employs a cascade system of communication using a number of volunteer Regional Secretaries as ‘local’ information hubs. There are a total of 15 regions, with 14 in the UK and one in New Zealand, all with Regional Secretaries. As well as acting as the conduit for the Intelligence Corps Association and Headquarters Intelligence Corps information, Regional Secretaries also provide the following crucial services to members as the back-bone of our Strong Corps Family:
- To be the local Intelligence Corps Association representative, receiving and processing requests from their members
- To be the local point of contact for Corps units in their area
- As co-ordinators, to foster Esprit-de-Corps, periodically organising events for their members, including holding Regional Meetings to update on Intelligence Corps Association and Corps activities
- Regional Secretaries provide a vital role in supporting bereaved families in their areas, acting as the important Corps ‘friendly face’, and maintaining contact with the family
- Regional Secretaries can refer welfare or benevolence cases to Headquarters Intelligence Corps Association for further action
The UK regions are shown below with the email contact for each Regional Secretary.