Diversity and Inclusion


In the Intelligence Corps we recognise that our greatest strength is our people. Embracing a wide range of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives enhances our analytical capabilities, strengthens our ability to address complex challenges, and provides diversity of thought and challenge.

I am committed to cultivating an inclusive environment in the Intelligence Corps that values every individual, ensuring that everyone feels heard and treated with respect. Through improved diversity, we strive to foster innovation, creativity, and a deeper understanding of the ever-evolving operational landscape.

Ultimately, greater diversity and inclusion is not just a moral imperative; it is a strategic advantage and enhances the Intelligence Corps’ capability. 

Click HERE to read the Corps Colonels D&I statement in full (Member Access Required)

Intelligence Corps LGBT+ Network

The Intelligence Corps LGBT+ network is a sub-network of the Army LGBT+ Network, providing a community within the Corps. This will mean that in addition to the services offered by the Army network, we can provide a service by Corps people for Corps people that includes networking, events, support, advice, and a platform for professional discussion of LGBT+ focused Diversity & Inclusion practices.

The Intelligence Corps LGBT+ network also aims to provide advice to commanders and allies to ensure that Corps personnel benefit from inclusive leadership. We are staffed by LGBT+ SNCOs and officers in the Corps, with the support of our senior Champion who is a LGBT+ ally.
Email: intcorpshq-lgbt-network@mod.gov.uk

Intelligence Corps Multicultural Network

The Intelligence Corps Multicultural Network is a subnetwork of the Army Multicultural Network that provides an open environment where service personnel can connect with role models from a range of backgrounds. It aims to inform, inspire and empower personnel, ensuring that soldiers of all ethnic backgrounds can achieve their full potential.


Intelligence Corps Servicewomen’s Network

The Intelligence Corps Servicewomen’s’ Network (ICSN) is a subnetwork of the Army Servicewomen’s Network that provides a platform for Servicemen in the Corps to develop and expand professional and personal interests, inspiring them to reach their full potential. 

What does the network do?

  • Run events aimed at empowering and supporting women
  • Bring attention to issues impacting women in the INT Corps
  • Share topical news and experiences relevant to the female experience
  • Encourage thinking about diversity, equality, and inclusivity
  • Recommend changes to policy with a collective voice where needed

Email: intcorpshq-icsn@mod.gov.uk