City & Guilds Award

HQ INT CORPS delegated assessment and awarding of City and Guilds Professional Recognition Awards (PRA) in Intelligence and Security Risk Management was suspended in Mar 23 due to a pressing requirement to update mapping and confirm eligibility requirements. At the end of Jul 23, reinstated was a simplified awarding process ahead of completion of the full mapping. This interim solution will be replaced by a full relaunch once City and Guilds provide the necessary information.

The INT CORPS continues to offer a Professional Recognition Award in Intelligence and Security Risk Management through City & Guilds. The award is available at various levels from Level 4/Licentiate up to Level 7/Member. The award levels are mapped to rank, experience and other career courses such as CLM/ALDP, JOTAC and ICSC(L). The award is open to regular and reservist personnel, as well as to those that retired less than three years ago. The cost ranges from £83.20 at Level 4, up to £140.40 at Level 7. Applicants should contact HQ Int Corps SO2 Pers for advice before submitting an application.

For more information, please see the links below.

Introduction to City & Guilds Award

Application Process / Eligibility

Assessment / Appeals

Recording / Audit

L4 / Licentiate

L5 / Affiliate

L6 / Graduate

L7 / Member