Historical Investigations and Legacy


Email address: intcorpshq-disclosure-mailbox@mod.gov.uk

Telephone Number: 01462 752552

Operational legacy is multi-faceted and includes criminal investigations, civil litigations, legacy inquests and public inquiries across a range of operations, and may affect, or may have affected, a number of Intelligence Corps Association members already.

The aim of this area is to promote awareness of the support available to the veterans’ community for those who may be affected by any ongoing investigation or inquiry.

The Intelligence Corps Association, as you are aware is a Charity established to promote the welfare of its members, be that moral or physical, and we remain diligent in the pursuit of that aim. There is a network of Regional Secretaries and the Headquarters staff who can access assistance if requested at quite short notice, so should you, or someone you know, require assistance of any description, please do not hesitate to contact us. Headquarters Intelligence Corps Association contact number is: 01462 742297.

The Legacy and Disclosure Cell at Corps Headquarters is available to provide guidance and support, including legal advice, to anyone in the veteran community that might have concerns about legacy issues and in particular for those that have been approached to assist in an investigation either as a witness or in some circumstances being interviewed under caution.

If you require Disclosure advice outside of the above, whether you are writing a memoir, book or other historical record, please also contact the undersigned for Disclosure advice.  

Legacy and Disclosure Cell

Landline (Mon to Fri 9am – 5pm): 01462 752552 
Mobile (24 hrs): 07970 385893
Email (monitored out of hours): intcorpshq-Disclosure-Mailbox@mod.gov.uk


Latest Legacy Information