Lt Col (Retd) Sam Southam

Corps Secretary

Prior to assuming the position as Corps Secretary in October 2016, Sam had served for 35 years in the Intelligence Corps, passing out with Squad 86 (in Feb ’81) and signing off as Corps Chief of Staff in 2015.  Although many elements of his service were memorable and varied, with some tremendously enjoyable appointments and tours, he still maintains his best job with the Corps is his current one.

Married to Jane and blessed with three grown up daughters, he lives close to Chicksands and enjoys only having to spend 10 minutes commuting to work.

Mr Adam Birch

Business Manager

Adam joined the Civil Service in January 2020. Prior to this he was an apprentice working in Human Resources, undertaking his Level 4 BTEC and NVQ. His first appointment within the Civil Service was with the Course Administration Department at Chicksands. In September 2021 he promoted into the Intelligence Corps Association.

Mrs Hazel Donald

Business Support & Membership Secretary

Hazel, an ex-Royal Air Force Aircraft Engineer of 2 years, has been a civil servant for 25 years. She has been part of the Intelligence Corps Association for 6 years but has been committed to working for the Intelligence Corps for a total of 15 years. 

Her previous roles have included Mess Bills Clerk, Officers Mess Silver Service Waitress, and Registry Clerk with the Royal Air Force Provost and Security Services (P&SS).

Married for 35 years she has 2 daughters and 2 granddaughters, and her hobbies include TAGB style Tae Kwon Do, 1st Dan, Dancing to keep fit and playing games on her tablet.

John Moses

ICA Support (Part-time)

John is a former Intelligence Corps soldier of 24 years, passing out with Squad 119 (1988) at Ashford and finishing off as a Company Sergeant Major at Chicksands. 

Since leaving the Corps in 2012, he has been an active member of the local Royal British Legion as Parade Marshal and is also the lead historical WW1 soldier researcher for the Soldiers of Gloucestershire Museum. 

Married to Lisa, and together they have three grown-up children and as of 2023, two grandchildren.

Reverend Clive Larrett

Honorary Corps Padre

Padre Larrett was born in what was then the British colony of Southern Rhodesia to a father who was a Royal Engineers WW2 veteran and a mother of pioneer stock and of Scottish descent. He was educated at the High School, Marandellas and began his National Service when he left school.

Realising that conflict with communist insurgents opposing the government was imminent, he joined the regular army, serving initially in the Rhodesian Light Infantry and subsequently in a special forces regiment called the Selous Scouts. As a result, he saw active service throughout the bush war of the 1970’s, with periods training recruits in the RLI, and Officer Cadets at the School of Infantry - eventually becoming the CSM, Training Group, Selous Scouts.

After leaving the army, Padre Larrett became a believing Christian and eventually an ordained minister in the Methodist Church. Trying to make sense of his past, he soon realised, and accepted, a call into Armed Forces Chaplaincy. He became the Padre at Chicksands in September 2007, and following the funeral of Corporal Sarah Bryant, he was invited by the then Director Intelligence Corps, Brigadier Ewan Duncan, to become the Honoury Intelligence Corps Chaplain towards the end of 2008. Although he retired from Chicksands at the end of September 2021, Clive remains in role as the Honoury Corps Chaplain and is a member of the Corps Council.

Padre Larrett initially studied with the Theological Education by Extension College (TEEC SA) earning a Diploma in Theology with Distinction. He then completed a postgraduate Honours Bachelor of Theology degree in Theological Ethics with the University of South Africa, which he also passed with Distinction and was awarded the University’s Senate Medal for best academic performance in the degree. He then studied at Cliff College and was awarded a Master of Arts Degree with Distinction by the University of Sheffield. However, he fervently believes that there are only two qualifications needed to be an effective Army Chaplain. They are firstly, to love God and, secondly, to love soldiers (and, of course, members of the other services too).

Padre Larrett is married to Brenda, and together they have six children and eleven grandchildren. They live in Saltcoats, North Ayrshire, Scotland and are both delighted to still be actively involved with the Intelligence Corps. He is a passionate photographer, has a small freelance photography business, and enjoys taking photographic holidays around the UK in their camper van.