Grants for General Purposes

Intelligence Corps Association Trustees, recognising that team ethos is key to military success, have kindly allowed units and formed groups of individuals to apply for a Social Grant; this would usually manifest itself as a small financial grant to each Intelligence Corps Association member participating in an official function, such as Annual Dinners, unit socials and force development activities.

For retired members, General Grants are available through Regional Secretaries, usually in support of an organised regional event.

The Social Grant and any other form of request for Intelligence Corps Association financial support, will be considered by the Intelligence Corps Association Benevolence and Grants Committee and should be submitted for consideration using one of the following forms. 

For group social grant applications, please download and use the following forms.

ICA Grant Form 

Nominal Roll Form

For all other applications please use the form below.

ICA Grant Form-other

Applications must be submitted 4 weeks in advance of the event where possible to and