Grant requests for Sports and Adventurous Training are usually submitted by the Officer In Charge (OIC) sport or Adventurous Training team leaders at the Annual Sports and Adventurous Training Board, chaired by the Corps Colonel. Intelligence Corps Association Trustees will have allocated a total amount available to Sports and to Adventurous Training, most of which will be allocated, according to the strength of the bid, at the Sports and Adventurous Training Board. There will be some funds (approximately 35% of the total allocation) put to one side for individual or late notice events, which can be applied for by using an Intelligence Corps Association Grant Form; these requests will be considered by the Intelligence Corps Association Benevolence and Grants Committee.
Trustees have asked that the priority for funding should be as follows:
· Adventurous Training over Sport
· Junior personnel over more senior personnel
· An activity (sport or AT) that introduces members to a new activity
· An activity (sport or AT) that focuses on teamwork over more solitary activities
Applications must be submitted 4 weeks in advance of the event, where possible, to and
Intelligence Corps Association Grant Form
If you are applying on behalf of multiple personnel, please supply a nominal roll using the form below.
Nominal Roll Form